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New Feature: Close Log Edit Dialog via Modal Overlay

Published: December 22, 2022

We’ve just rolled out an improvement to make the BludBud web app a little easier and more enjoyable to use whether you’re on a large desktop display (shown above left) or a mobile device (shown above right). Specifically, in addition to being able to close the log edit dialogue box (shown above) via the close icon, you are now also able to close the log entry edit dialog box by clicking (desktop) or tapping (mobile) anywhere on the grey overlay. I’ve been testing this new feature on all of my devices for the last several days and have found it useful on both my laptop (which has a fairly large external display attached) as well as my relatively large form factor mobile phone. In the latter case, it’s nice to be able to close the log edit dialogue box without stretching waaaaaay north on the screen to reach and tap the close icon. Hope you enjoy!

Filed in — BludBud App, Changelog

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