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BUG [FIXED]: User Can Update Email Address to Non-Unique Email Address via Edit Profile Self-Service Page

Published: March 15, 2023

Bug Reported by: Internal user at approximately 9am EST, 3/15/2023.

Time to Resolution: This issue was corrected within 24 hours of being reported at approximately 4pm EST 3/15/2023.

Symptoms: In an obscure edge case it was possible for a logged-in user to update their email address, via the self-service edit profile page, to an email address not unique to our systems.

Impact: No user accounts or personal data were breeched, nor affected in any way, as a result of this bug.

Resolution: From a user perspective, no actions are required. The fix should be downloaded transparently the next time you visit BludBud.

Filed in — BludBud App, Changelog

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